Hot Tip: Create a Heartsong Journal

I first learned about a heartsong journal from Rachel Wilkerson Miller, author of Dot Journaling - A Practical Guide.  She described a common problem we all face - as we learn things about ourselves, it's hard to organize them in a way that's easy to refer back to.  Her solution? Creating an "encyclopedia of you" - or to put it in fancier terms, your heartsong journal.

The Mechanics

The first step to creating your heartsong journal is to pick your repository of choice.  Maybe it's a beautiful notebook that feels too sacred for everyday use.  Maybe it's a three-ring binder that needs a new lease on life.  Maybe it's a folder in your email or on your computer.  There's no right way to create this journal - but be thoughtful about picking a tool that's easy for you to keep updated and easy to access when you want to refer back.

A note: in this digital age, there is a power that comes with creating something you can hold.  I love flipping through mine on days when I need a reminder about who I am and what I stand for.

The Ingredients

I love Rachel's description of this journal as a "scrapbook of the soul."  Here are some ideas of things you might include in your journal:

  • Personality test results

  • Quotes or lyrics that move you

  • A photo of a favorite memory

  • Your go-to self care ideas

  • Compliments

  • Major life milestones

  • A quick medical history

  • Genealogy 

The Ritual

Creating a ritual around updating your heartsong journal is an easy way to make it a habit.  Consider setting aside a special time on a regular basis, lighting a candle, and flipping through the journal to rediscover the items inside and add new ones.

"write it down on real paper with a real pencil. and watch shit get real." - erika badu


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